Churches in Minnesota
Minnesota churches describe themselves with words like casual, friendly, and multigenerational. There are 6,158 Minnesota churches listed on FaithStreet.
Popular church music styles include traditional hymns, contemporary, and organ. Minnesota churches often offer children's ministry, youth group, adult education, community service, and missions programs.
Minnesota churches Expand search
6,158 church results
Nondenominational in Coon Rapids, MN
- Contemporary, Passionate Reverent
- Neighborhood-focused, Spirit-filled
- Choir, Faith and Work
- Live Stream
Sunday Services- 10:00am
- 06:00pm
Baptist in Hutchinson, MN
- Traditional Hymns, Contemporary
- Down to Earth, Friendly
- Community Service, Adult Education
Sunday Services- 09:00am
- 10:30am
Lutheran (WELS) in Goodview, MN
- Traditional Hymns, Praise and Worship
- Casual
- Children's Ministry
Sunday Services- 09:30am
Lutheran (LCMS) in Bloomington, MN
- Traditional Hymns, Organ
- Friendly, Conservative
- Adult Education, Seniors Ministry
- Live Stream
Sunday Services- 08:30am
- 10:00am
Lutheran (ELCA) in Edina, MN
- Bluegrass, Organ
- Casual, Young families
- Community Service, Choir
Sunday Services- 08:15am
- 10:15am
Evangelical Free Church of America in Duluth, MN
- Traditional Hymns, Contemporary
- Casual
- Youth Group, Community Service
Sunday Services- 09:00am
Nondenominational in Owatonna , MN
- Passionate Reverent, Indie
- Young families, Inclusive
- Children's Ministry, Young Adults
Sunday Services- 10:00am
Christian Reformed Church in New Brighton, MNSunday Services
- 10:30am
Churches in Columbia Heights, MN
Columbia HeightsView 852 churches in Columbia Heights, MN
Churches in Duluth, MN
DuluthView 216 churches in Duluth, MN
Churches in Hilltop, MN
HilltopView 232 churches in Hilltop, MN
Churches in Landfall, MN
LandfallView 465 churches in Landfall, MN
Churches in Lauderdale, MN
LauderdaleView 947 churches in Lauderdale, MN
Churches in Minneapolis, MN
MinneapolisView 429 churches in Minneapolis, MN
Churches in Richfield, MN
RichfieldView 779 churches in Richfield, MN
Churches in Rochester, MN
RochesterView 269 churches in Rochester, MN
Churches in Spring Park, MN
Spring ParkView 141 churches in Spring Park, MN
Churches in St. Cloud, MN
St. CloudView 296 churches in St. Cloud, MN
Churches in St. Paul, MN
St. PaulView 809 churches in St. Paul, MN
Explore MN Denominations
- Advent Christian Church 2
- African Methodist Episcopal 8
- American Baptist Churches USA 34
- Anglican 1
- Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus 2
- Apostolic Christian Church 1
- Apostolic Faith Church 1
- Assemblies of God 254
- Baptist 17
- Baptist (7th Day) 1
- Baptist (CBAA) 35
- Baptist (NABC) 10
- Baptist (SBC) 61
- Calvary Chapel 10
- Catholic 713
- Catholic (PNCC) 2
- Christian and Missionary Alliance 103
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 62
- Christian Reformed Church 29
- Church of Christ 7
- Church of God 1
- Church of God (7th Day) 1
- Church of God (Cleveland, TN) 16
- Church of God of Prophecy 6
- Church of the Brethren 6
- Church of the Nazarene 29
- Congregational 2
- Congregational (CCCC) 11
- Congregational (NACCC) 8
- Converge Worldwide 117
- Episcopal 120
- Evangelical Bible Church 2
- Evangelical Covenant Church 119
- Evangelical Free Church of America 83
- Liberty Church Planting Network 1
- Lutheran 6
- Lutheran (AALC) 9
- Lutheran (AFLC) 90
- Lutheran (ALCA) 9
- Lutheran Brethren (CLB) 18
- Lutheran (CLC) 13
- Lutheran (ELCA) 1,099
- Lutheran (ELS) 33
- Lutheran (LCMC) 4
- Lutheran (LCMS) 457
- Lutheran (WELS) 178
- Mennonite (CMC) 1
- Mennonite (MCUSA) 11
- Mennonite (USMB) 3
- Methodist 2
- Methodist (FMCUSA) 2
- Methodist (UMC) 367
- Metropolitan Community Church 1
- Open Bible Standard Churches 2
- Orthodox 14
- Orthodox (AOCANA) 1
- Orthodox Christian 0
- Orthodox (Greek) 4
- Orthodox (OCA) 1
- Orthodox (ROCOR) 3
- Orthodox (Serbian) 4
- Orthodox (Ukrainian) 2
- Pentecostal 1
- Pentecostal Church of God 7
- Pentecostal (UPCI) 43
- Pentecostal (WPF) 2
- Presbyterian 5
- Presbyterian (EPC) 3
- Presbyterian (OPC) 1
- Presbyterian (PCA) 3
- Presbyterian (PCUSA) 171
- Quaker 16
- Quaker (FGC) 5
- Vineyard 15
- Wesleyan 14