About Us

contemporary, Christian, multi-generational, community, diverse

Located in the heart of Chinatown, Grace Faith Church is a contemporary, non-denominational church that seeks to spread the Gospel to everyone we meet in our community and our everyday lives.

Our Services

Service Times

Cantonese service
English service both in person and livestream

What to Expect

What are services like?
We have a joint worship service with City Grace Church every Sunday at 10:30am! Both in person and live stream are available.

What is the community like?
We are a diverse community with people from all different backgrounds, ages, and races.

What if I'm not a Christian?
We'd love to meet you! Feel free to speak to one of our pastors with any questions you may have or inquire about community groups or social events to meet other people.

Location & Directions

What Members Say

Add your voice

    Grace Ching Young shared their experience Aug 2021

    Grace Faith Church allowed to read and teach KJB. It has God salvation. Ioen everyday for ministry.

    sammy langat shared their experience Feb 2021

    word of God
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