Salvation Army Churches in Staten Island
There are 1 Salvation Army churches in Staten Island, a borough of New York City.
Staten Island Salvation Army churches
SearchIn Your City
In Your Neighborhood
- Annadale
- Arden Heights
- Arlington
- Arrochar
- Astoria Long Island City
- Bay Terrace
- Bull's Head
- Castleton Corners
- Charleston (Fresh Kills)
- Concord
- Dongan Hills
- Eltingville
- Emerson Hill
- Grant City
- Great Kills
- Grymes Hill
- Huguenot
- Jamaica Hills
- Lighthouse Hill
- Livingston
- Mariners Harbor
- Meiers Corners
- Midland Beach
- New Brighton
- New Dorp
- New Dorp Beach
- New Springville
- North Corona
- Oakwood Beach
- Port Ivory
- Port Richmond
- Port Richmond Center
- Prince's Bay
- Randoll Manor
- Richmond Town
- Ridgewood
- Rosebank
- Shore Acres
- South Beach
- St. Albans
- Stapleton
- St. George
- Sunnyside (Staten Island)
- Todt Hill
- Tottenville
- Travis / Chelsea
- Ward Hill
- West Brighton
- Willowbrook
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- American Baptist Churches USA
- Anglican Catholic
- Assemblies of God
- Baptist
- Baptist (SBC)
- Calvary Chapel
- Catholic
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ
- Christian Reformed Church
- Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
- Congregational (NACCC)
- Episcopal
- Evangelical Free Church of America
- Grace Communion International
- Lutheran
- Lutheran (ELCA)
- Lutheran (LCMS)
- Methodist
- Methodist (UMC)
- Moravian
- Nondenominational
- Orthodox
- Orthodox Christian
- Orthodox (Greek)
- Orthodox (ROCOR)
- Orthodox (Syrian)
- Pentecostal
- Pentecostal Church of God
- Pentecostal (UPCI)
- Presbyterian (PCUSA)
- Quaker
- Quaker (FGC)
- Reformed
- Reformed (RCA)
- Salvation Army
- Seventh-day Adventist
- United Church of Christ