Churches near Kingsland, GA
Kingsland churches describe themselves with words like casual, creative, and down to earth.
Popular church music styles include contemporary, traditional hymns, and hillsong-style. Churches in Kingsland often offer community service, faith and work, children's ministry, missions, and adult education programs.
Some churches that you may want to check out include:
1.1 miles away>
1.9 miles away>
1.9 miles away>
2.0 miles away>
2.1 miles away>
2.1 miles away>Baptist (SBC) in Kingsland, GA
- Neighborhood-focused, Down to Earth
- Faith and Work, Missions
- Hillsong-style, Contemporary
Sunday Services- 11:00am
2.2 miles away>
2.3 miles away>
2.4 miles away>
2.4 miles away>
- All
- Advent Christian Church 1
- African Methodist Episcopal 14
- American Baptist Churches USA 1
- Apostolic 1
- Assemblies of God 13
- Baptist (SBC) 92
- Calvary Chapel 1
- Catholic 6
- Christian and Missionary Alliance 3
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 3
- Churches of Christ in Christian Union 2
- Church of God by Faith 2
- Church of God (Cleveland, TN) 16
- Church of God of Prophecy 3
- Church of the Nazarene 2
- Congregational Holiness Church 2
- Coptic 1
- Episcopal 10
- Evangelical Free Church of America 1
- Foursquare 1
- Free Will Baptists (NAFWB) 2
- General Association of Regular Baptist Churches 1
- Independent Baptist 12
- Interdenominational 1
- Lutheran (ELCA) 3
- Lutheran (LCMS) 2
- Methodist (Global) 1
- Methodist (UMC) 37
- Nondenominational 37
- Orthodox 1
- Pentecostal 1
- Pentecostal (UPCI) 3
- Presbyterian (PCUSA) 1
- Salvation Army 2
- Seventh-day Adventist 5
- United Church of Christ 1
- Wesleyan 1