About Us

Hosanna Worship Center is an Assemblies of God church located in Morris, MN. We believe that every person should Know Christ, Grow in relationship with Christ and Show Christ to others who do not know him or have a non-existent relationship with Him.

Contact Information

Our Services

Service Times

Contemporary service with worship, sermon and altar time at the end.

What to Expect

What are services like?
Our Sunday services start at 10:00 a.m. We have a coffee bar if you feel like showing up a little before 10:00. We begin with a time of worship and fellowship as a body. We find worship to be essential to our church. It is a great way for us to give God praise for all He is and all that He is doing in our lives. We have a nursery for children that are ages 0-4. Following worship the kids ages 5-12 are dismissed for Children's Church. Kelli Hamer uses this time to teach the students about various aspects of the Bible in a way that engages them as kids. Pastor Tom at the same time will get up and preach a sermon based on Biblical truth that will challenge and encourage the congregation to grow personally, relationally, and spiritually.

What if I'm not a Christian?
That's fine. We encourage you to try us out and experience God for who he is.


Tom Fangmeier

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