Baptist (SBC) Churches in Maryland
Maryland Baptist (SBC) churches describe themselves with words like casual, friendly, and multigenerational. Popular church music styles include traditional hymns, contemporary, and praise and worship. Baptist (SBC) churches often offer children's ministry, missions, youth group, community service, and nursery programs.
There are 523 Baptist (SBC) churches in Maryland.
Featured Churches
Bel Air, MD
Ellicott City, MD
Bladensburg, MD
Odenton, MD
Westernport, MD
Sparrows Point, MD
Dunkirk, MD
Oakland, MD
Baptist (SBC) in Bladensburg, MD
- Gospel Choir, Praise and Worship
- Old-school, Casual
- Young Adults, Missions
Sunday Services- 10:00am
Baptist (SBC) in Odenton, MD
- Traditional Hymns, Passionate Reverent
- Friendly, Down to Earth
- Youth Group, Missions
Sunday Services- 03:30pm
Baptist (SBC) in Westernport, MD
- Traditional Hymns, Contemporary
- Friendly, Casual
- Community Service, Faith and Work
Sunday Services- 09:30am
- 10:45am
Baptist (SBC) in Sparrows Point, MD
- Traditional Hymns, Country
- Casual
Sunday Services- 10:00am
- 11:00pm
Baptist (SBC) in Dunkirk, MD
- Passionate Reverent
- Multigenerational, Spirit-filled
- Choir, Missions