Zion Lutheran Church
About Us
Zion is a multi-generational church that seeks to support families as they grow together in Christ. While we have plenty of young families and children running around, we’re not a “young person only” church. We have multiple generations represented as we worship together. On Sunday mornings, we see God acting in powerful ways to forgive and renew us. We hold the Bible as God’s Word and we also believe that in Baptism and Communion, we receive the forgiveness of sins. We don’t have a dress code but some choose to dress up a little more while others choose to dress down. Come visit on Sunday or stop by the office sometime to say "hi".
Contact Information
Our Services
Service Times
- Sunday
- 08:00am
- Traditional Worship
- 10:30am
- Contemporary Worship

Greg Lehr
PASTOR GREG LEHR Zion Lutheran Church is blessed to have Rev. Greg Lehr here to serve the Lord with us. He has been with us since June 16, 2008 serving as our Vicar until July 19, 2009. On July 19, he was Ordained and Installed as our Assistant Pastor and in January 2011 our congregation Called Pastor Greg to be our Senior Pastor and he was Installed on February 6, 2011.Location & Directions
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