About Us

LCMS; Holland, MN; Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

We are a member of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod and are located in the community of Holland, Minnesota.

We are located just off State Highway 23, approximately 10 miles north of Pipestone, MN, or 35 miles south of Marshall, MN.

Our Services

Service Times

Divine Service
Sunday School & Bible Study

What to Expect

What are services like?
St. James worships in the traditional Lutheran style with the Lord's Supper served on the first and third Sundays of the month. Jesus Christ is at the heart and center of Lutheran worship (cf: John 14:6). The two main parts of this Christ-centered service are the Proclamation of the Word and the Sacrament of the Altar (communion). It is through these external Means of Grace, instituted by God Himself, that Jesus Christ gives us the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. All worship services at St. James follow the liturgies printed in our synod's 2006 hymnal - Lutheran Service Book (LSB). The liturgy that we use is based on Holy Scripture. God’s Word is more than just words of promise. Through the preaching of the Law and the Gospel we receive not only the conviction of our sin and the message of love and forgiveness but also the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit that forms and strengthens faith within us. In the sermons you will hear Law and Gospel preaching. That is, where we have fallen short and sinned against God, but also what God has done for us through His Son, the Crucified and Resurrected Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has defeated death and the devil and claimed us as His own.

What is the community like?
The family of God at St. James Lutheran looks forward to meeting you. We are a small, friendly, loving, and caring congregation. Our dress varies from casual to “Sunday go to church clothes.” We also enjoy having your children worship with us. Jesus encourages us to bring the children, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven (cf: Matthew 19:13-15).

What if I'm not a Christian?
At St. James you will hear of God's love and His promises to you and all people. Although all have sinned, we are now justified without merit by the grace of Jesus through faith in Him.


Pastor Joel Sutton

Pastor Sutton is a 2012 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Location & Directions

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    Mrs. Joan Milke. (1970-1975. Wife of Pastor Tom Milke) shared their experience Jul 2021

    Our two children who were born during our tenure there, are now on their way driving from the east coast (NC -Benjamin and NY -Vicki. ). Ben has his wife Amanda and two of his children with them. Vicki is an empty nester, traveling with her husband John Nichols. I hope you get to meet them all. Rev T M Milke is now home with his Father in heaven.
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