Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc

About Us

The church made by you, and for you because we ARE YOU!

Ray Of Hope Church, Inc., is the first church founded in Central NY by the LGBTQISA2ss+ Community. In 1983 people in Syracuse were very afraid of what would be named AIDS. Churches requested that people who might have AIDS not go to church for fear of infecting other people. Fourteen gay men and women decided to open a church where everyone could come and not be just tolerated but loved and incorporated into every aspect of the life in the church. This congregation has met every Sunday since the summer of 1983 and held Bible Enrichment meetings, various social meetings, social action events, participated in Pride celebrations, and more. We are now online through our main web page www.rayofhopechurch.com, and on Facebook, and we use Skype. We did not start a new kind of Christianity. In fact, Ray Of Hope Church teaches the same Christian faith of ancient ecumenical consensus. St. Vincent of Lerins, a fifth-century monk and theologian, described it as “what has been believed always, everywhere, and by all.” To our LGBT+++ friends out there we like to say: We are the church made by you, and for you because we ARE YOU! You are as welcome here as Christ Jesus, Himself. Today you will find persons of every sexual orientation and every gender expression in our congregation and in our leadership.

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Attend live or on line through Skype and Facebook live.

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What Members Say

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    Veronica Floyd shared their experience Jun 2021

    Ray of Hope Church is truly the church of potential and possibilities. You can plug in wherever you are on your faith journey and find support. We learn the true Word Of God and that God’s love and gifts are for everyone! We do not stand alone and the real presence of Christ is with us all everyday and every second.
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