About Us

Prosser Community Church is a non-denominational church known for faith, prayer, love, family and spirit filled living for Jesus. It is our mission to take Jesus to people, bring them into His family, make them disciples with teaching and training and send them out to reach others. God has given us the vision of FREEDOM for ourselves and the city we live in. Jesus is the answer to anxiety, depression, unforgiveness, anger, fear, loneliness, sickness, disease, rejection, and much, much, more.

The Spirit of the Lord God has taken control of me! The LORD has chosen and sent me to tell the oppressed the good news, to heal the brokenhearted, and to announce freedom for prisoners and captives. The LORD has sent me to comfort those who mourn. He sent me to give them flowers in place of their sorrow, olive oil in place of tears, and joyous praise in place of broken hearts. Then they will rebuild cities that have been in ruins for many generations.” — Isaiah 61

Our Services

Service Times

Sunday Celebration Service


Rodney Stutzman

Pastor Rod Stutzman and his wife, Sheila, founded Prosser Community Church with four other families in October 1999. They heard the voice of God calling them to become a beach head for a new move of the Holy Spirit. The Lord wanted to bring together His people and form a diverse body that functions in Holy Spirit power in the Yakima Valley. PCC has become a Freedom Center to celebrate Jesus and the authority He gives for victorious living. Its motto “Changing Families One Life at a Time”.

What Members Say

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    Frank and Gloria Martinez shared their experience Dec 2020

    love the Pastor, Great wife and great kids great and the people of the church, wish we did not have to leave the area, but it is what it is Pastor Rod is good man and a good preacher Frank
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