About Us

Driven by a passion for Christ and our Community.

We are a growing church nestled in the Ozark Mountain foothills just outside of Batesville, Arkansas. Pilgrims Rest has a friendly atmosphere and is a great environment for the entire family. We have a fabulous, Youth Group, Kids Church, and much more!

Our Services

Service Times

Small Group Sunday School
Youth Small Groups
Adult Prayer and Bible Study
Awana (Starting Jan 9, 2013)

What to Expect

What are services like?
Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:30am with a time of singing and meeting and greeting others. 4 or 5 songs with some being traditional hymns and others being newer praise songs. Kids church (2nd grade and under) are dismissed to Kids church (optional) after the music. Nursery is provided during entire service (optional). Our Pastor then gives a practical and applicable message from the Bible that will last about 30 minutes. Dress is casual. Atmosphere is friendly.

What is the community like?
Bethesda is a small community that has five churches. Most of these are very small just as Pilgrims Rest has always been. Over the last few years, PRBC has grown so that it seems to be the church of choice in the area and it also attracts guests and members from Batesville and the surrounding communities. The setting is very beautiful. The people are genuine and unassuming. The Bethesda postal route includes about 600 mailboxes. The Bethesda Store is the central commerce spot and is 1 mile from the church.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Pilgrims Rest is a wonderful place to study and hear the scriptures as you seek out truth. It is a non-judgmental faith family with many people being new Christians and a good number of non-Christians attending frequently to check it out.


Chris Sims

Chris Sims

Chris is married to his high school sweetheart Eve. They have twin daughters (Kati and Brianna) and a younger daughter (Emma). Chris has served at PRBC for 3 years. Before that he was in the Christian Publishing Industry for 10 years. Chris is an avid reader and sports fan. His greatest passion is to fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28 - to GO and make disciples.

Location & Directions

What Members Say

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    Cheyenne shared their experience Nov 2012

    Cheyenne Enke Ingram posted via Facebook - I have been a member of PILGRIM's REST BAPTIST CHURCH since October 1984. God had been dealing with me about getting connected to a church. I had a dream/vision one night and the Lord clearly told me to go to PRBC. Some may be skeptical of this thought, but I believe God used this method to communicate to me, PRBC IS A VERY LOVING CHURCH, they accept all!!! We are all broken people made whole by Christ' I feel one of the most important ministries we have is our children. We have a food bank ministry that is reaching the forgotten. The Lord is truly at work!!! I believe that there is much the Lord wants us to do, so laborers are needed. With mustard seed size faith the possibilities are endless.
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