
About Us

Sharing Gods Love

Disciple making Process:
We seek to love God, Love one another and to Love the world while making disciples for Christ as we continually move through this process. We seek to love God through obedience and worship. We seek to love one another through fellowship and genuine concern . We seek to love the world by being involved with community outreach and the support of missionary work.

Contact Information

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Our Services

What to Expect

What are services like?
Fellowship before services, you are welcome to join in with group prayer at 10:30, Youth ministry 12 years old and up starts at 10;30. Services start at 10:55 with welcoming and announcements, worship songs scripture reading more songs then the sermon, children's ministry during sermon, offering, prayers for unbelievers, closing song and closing prayer.

What is the community like?
Welcoming and friendly.

What if I'm not a Christian?
We welcome you and want you to come. We will seek to answer your questions and to guide you into the loving arms of Christ. and welcome you as a child of God.


Jeff and Jim Noordhoek

My Brother Jim and I are Bi-vocational Pastors committed to serving in what ever way God wants us to.

Location & Directions

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