About Us

Rooted in Faith, Growing in Love, Welcoming to All

First Baptist Church of Pendleton is a Welcoming and Affirming community of grace for all people, Rooted in Faith and Growing in Love. Meaningful worship. Sunday School for adults and children. Wednesday Night Supper followed by activities for Youth Group and children and Adult Bible Study. Strong emphasis on missions, from local to international. A very nice program for Seniors in the community meets Thursday mornings.

Our Services

Service Times

Activities for Children & Youth
Adult Bible Study
Sunday School

What to Expect

What are services like?
You'll hear a mix of contemporary and traditional music, including piano, organ, and occasionally, guitar. Heartfelt prayer. The Word of God from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. A thoughtful and compelling message.

What is the community like?
Friendly, warm, inviting, open.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Talk to Pastor Jennifer about your hopes and dreams, concerns and questions about becoming a Christian. Like any life decision, it should be approached thoughtfully, prayerfully, and of your own free will.


Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg

Location & Directions

What Members Say

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    Skip Still shared their experience Jun 2022

    We know who we are and who we serve. Very mission oriented
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