About Us

helping to equip and multiply healthy disciples and churches

One of our main passions is to see God’s body united as one. We wish to see denominational walls fall, churches and groups working together to see His Kingdom advancing and the Great Commission fulfilled in our area. NoPlaceLeft-Omaha is part of the NoPlaceLeft network.

The No Place Left network is not a mission agency or denomination. Instead, we are a simple, grassroots movement of disciples of Jesus Christ around the world whose hearts have been caught on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit to focus our time, treasures, and talents towards the Great Commission.

If you are interested in being a part of the NoPlaceLeft network in the Omaha/Lincoln area or just finding out more information on this, please send me an email at [email protected]. I am always looking to connect with people and groups to see how we can work together.


Contact Information

Not available

Our Services

What to Expect

What are services like?
We meet as small gatherings, usually in homes. We care for each other and form a strong sense of community. Times and Dates of our gatherings depending on the location of each church plant. To find out if there is one near you or if you are interested in learning more about how you can start a gathering in your home, email us at [email protected]

What if I'm not a Christian?
If you are not a Christian we would love to get to know you and talk. Email at [email protected] and we can schedule a time get together and talk.


Jason Stearns

Jason Stearns
Training Pastor

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