• Living Hope Church
  • Living Hope Church
  • Living Hope Church
  • Living Hope Church

About Us

Finding Hope in the Living God

Contemporary worship music, relevant Bible messages, vibrant children's programs, authentic people.


Our Services

We worship at the YMCA of Southern York County.

What to Expect

What are services like?
We’re excited that you’re considering joining us on Sunday mornings. We’re a group of real people gathered to seek after a real God because we believe that in Him there is real hope. You’ll find our meetings contemporary, upbeat, down-to-earth, and serious about worshiping God. Our music is lively with lyrics that honor God. We’re gathered to worship God in unity, but we also give you freedom to sing, stand, sit, or raise your hands as you’re led. The morning message is always grounded in God’s Word and relevant to our everyday lives.


Tim Dance

Tim Dance


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