About Us

Roman, Catholic, Multicultural, Masses in English and Spanish, Espanol

Holy Trinity Church is a Catholic faith community of El Cajon. The center of our life is the Sunday Eucharist, which we believe was instituted by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. In the Eucharist (the Mass) we are fed at the table of God'sword (the Bible) and the table of Eucharist (the Body and Blood of Christ). Jesus told us to eat of his Body and drink his Blood to have life in him, and so that is what we do. Everything we do as Church stems from and leads us to the Eucharist. The other things include: Baptism, Confirmation, Religious education of children , youth and adults, youth group activities, Bible Study, and social outreach. Come join us!

Our Services

What to Expect

What are services like?
The Catholic Mass is a well-structured service (it is the same throughout the world!, Thats why we are One Holy Catholic and Universal Church) which usually lasts about one hour. It begins with Welcoming Rite, Penitential Rite, the reading of God's Word, homily (Sermon), then the Liturgy o fthe Eucharist where the bread and wine (and monetary offerings )are presented by the people to the priest. The priest, who acts in the person of Christ himself, says the words of consecration and through the action of the Holy Spirit, the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. We then have the Communion Rite where the people receive the Holy Eucharist, the consecrated bread and wine (which is now the Body and Blood of Christ) as Christ told us to do at the Last Supper.

What if I'm not a Christian?
You can still come and join in the worship - sing the songs and listen to God's Word. You cannot receive the Holy Communion yet, but if you are interested you can attend our classes for adults (or youth and children) to learn about our Catholic faith, then when you are ready, we will baptize you and give you your First Holy Communion. If you are a non-Catholic Christian you can also take the classes and then make a profession of faith in our Catholic Church and receive your first holy Communion.


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