About Us

Loving Others, Transforming Neighborhoods, Serving Nations

Our vision is to saturate Fenway and the nations with the worship of Jesus Christ by loving others, transforming neighborhoods, and serving nations.

As we encounter Jesus and journey on His mission together, we value...
Jesus Focused Worship
Gospel Centered Preaching
Others Focused Ministry
Costly, Joyful Giving
Spirit Empowered Prayer

We are part of Newfrontiers - A worldwide family of churches together on a mission. www.newfrontiersusa.org

Our Services

Service Times

Fenway Church meets Sundays at 11AM @ 69 Kilmarnock Street (a club called Church) in the Fenway neighborhood of Boston.

What to Expect

What are services like?
The purpose of our gathering is to experience Jesus, encourage one another with the truth of scripture, and invite new people from campuses and communities in our neighborhood. We usually spend thirty minutes singing worship songs and forty minutes listening and responding to relevant preaching.

What is the community like?
The church is a family. At its core, the church is relational. It is woven together by our relationship with God and with one another. You may hear us refering to ourselves as the "FenFam," a term we use to signify the love and commitment we have towards each other and the mission God has placed us in together. We value our community groups (CGs) and events, such as prayer gatherings and family meetings, where we can share life together. We are also a part of a global family of churches which is working together in relationship to restore New Testament church life, make disciples, train leaders, start churches and reach nations. You can learn more about our extended family at the NewfrontiersUSA web page.

Location & Directions

The club called 'Church'
69 Kilmarnock Street
Boston, MA

What Members Say

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    Rudy Mitchell shared their experience Sep 2021

    Fenway Church changed its name to City Church in 2014 and has been meeting at Brighton Music Hall since 2013 (158 Brighton Ave., Boston, MA 02134). I enjoyed the documentary film about the church.
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