About Us

Restore Renew Reconcile

We are a church with the mission to participate with God in the restoring, renewing and reconciling of all things, through Jesus.

Our Services

Service Times


What to Expect

What are services like?
We gather to be reminded that God is good, we are invited into His story, and God is putting us all back together. As an act of gratitude we sing songs ranging from ancient hymns to the heart cries of today. We pray with and for the community in which we are set, and we dig deep into the Biblical narrative while teaching it with creativity and reverence.

What is the community like?
A very warm and welcoming mish mash of humanity, with an assortment of back grounds. Lots of neighborhood kids and youth to keep us rooted in joy and some hop. People dress as they are comfortable, with the pastor often in jeans and always in New Balance shoes :-)

What if I'm not a Christian?
Then you have found exactly the right community! You'll be welcomed, but not bothered. You'll find the community laid back, but very intentional about connecting. You won't be inundated with churchy language, but you'll definitely know you've been with people who love God. In other words, you'll find a home and a family at the Front Porch.


Wally Harrison

Wally Harrison

Husband, dad of three energetic boys and has a passion to guide others in living out their gifts, passions and purpose through Jesus.

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