About Us

Relevant Biblical Truths & Real Relationships. A Church for Families.

We are a church plant serving the community in Decatur ( 3532 Covington Hwy, Decatur, GA 30032) next to the Social Security Office. Please check www.connectchurchatl.org for more details.

Did you know?? Connect Church encourages evangelism by serving others. Since November 2010, with the help of our generous volunteers and community partners, we have completed several Community enhancement projects.

At Connect Church, we are willing to do whatever it takes to bring people of ALL AGES in relationship with God. We do this through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and specialized programs.

Your relationship with God is the key to a successful life. Therefore, we creatively and innovatively share Jesus to our Community and to the world.

Pre-pandemic, you could join us 9 weeks between January and April for our sports ministry, www.connectsportstatl.org. However, we are taking things a little slower. July 26-29, 2021 we were able to serve over 100 students in a 1-week sports camp at our new location, Iglesias Bautista, 3532 Covington Hwy, Decatur, GA 30032.

Connect Sports was founded in 2010 by Tez Andrews, Lead Pastor of Connect Church to enhance the community through recreational sports. Connect Sports first served families in the community at Oakview Elementary School, Decatur, GA in 2011.

In 2012, Connect Sports served the community at Exchange Parks Recreation Center in Decatur, GA. Since 2013, Connect Sports has partnered with elementary and middle schools such as Flat Shoals Elementary, Clifton Springs Elementary, Oakview Elementary, Toney Elementary , Columbia Middle School and Henderson Mill Elementary School (North DeKalb).

Over the years, Sponsors of Connect Sports have enhanced the atmosphere in the partnering schools by providing sponsorship of basketball & cheerleading to students, Toiletry donations, Free Food & clothing to families, Interventional Mentoring to At-Risk Students, Interventional Guidance to Parents, upgrading the Parking Lot at Oakview Elementary School, providing supplies to teachers and staff for Teachers’ Appreciation, and more.

Our Mission

Connect Sports is an outreach ministry seeking to bring families together one child at a time by mentoring youth, training them to be leaders, teaching them life skills thru intense basketball and cheerleading training, tutorial sessions, bible study, exercise, and showing them how to portray sportsmanship in the 9-week season or 1-week summer camps. All participants and their families receive access to resources to encourage them to take the next step on their spiritual journey to grow into a closer relationship with God.

Participants will receive guidance from trained and experienced coaches who utilize a proven structured curriculum. During the season, youth are engaged in healthy competition, and receive positive reinforcement from all involved in the program. We believe it takes a village to raise a child, so we have committed our ministry to working within our local community to help produce young men and women of integrity and character. In the past, several community organizations and individuals have partnered with Connect Sports to provide complimentary eye exams, fitness classes for parents and even sponsorship to send selected youth to Kids Across America Sports Kamps, located in Branson, Missouri.

All volunteers and coaches undergo background checks before serving in the ConnectSports League.

Connect Sports Basketball and Cheerleading League provides a positive sports experience for every child and makes the most of your family’s time and money.

Follow us on www.connectchurchatl.org/Connectchurchatl, Instagram.com/ConnectChurchatl, www.facebook.com/connectsportsatl or www.twitter.com/connectChATL to receive updates.

Please visit www.connectsportsatl.org to register soon or follow us at www.facebook.com/connectsportsatl or www.facebook.com/connectchurchatl

Our Services

Service Times

Family Worship w/VIRTUAL Children's Ministry 12:30 pm (1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays - 4th Sundays are Youth Led)
Sept 19 - Virtual only. www.connectchurchatl.org/live
VIRTUAL Children's Church Ministry (1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays)
Streaming Live www.connectchurchatl.org/Live
Connect Small Group - Text Group3 to 678-705-8121 to join.
Connect Small Group - Text Group2 to 678-705-8121 to join.
Connect Small Group - Text Group1 to 678-705-8121 to join.

What to Expect

What are services like?
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, we are asking all guests to watch service online Sundays (10am) & Wednesdays (7pm) on www.connectchurchatl.org/Live until further notice. BEFORE Covid-19, On Sundays, when you come to service, you will be greeted by our smiling hosts or hostesses who will guide you to a seat. Family Worship Service begins at 10:30 a.m. After praise & worship, children (grades K5 - 6th grades attend Children's Church) for their own Sunday service while the adults remain in the sanctuary for the sermon.

What if I'm not a Christian?
If you are not a Christian, our church is for you! Our goal is to share the love of Christ to ALL people. When one becomes united with Christ… … they die to sin and are resurrected to a new pure life (ROMANS 6:3-5) ….they develop a hate for sin and a moral energy to live with integrity to please God (ROMANS 6:6-18) We address the social issues of Urban America by preaching/teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is no secret that there are many disparaging issues in Urban America. We believe Christ is the only answer to set men free to connect to a great life that shows the greatness of God.


Tez Andrews

Tez Andrews
Lead Pastor

Pastor Martez (Tez) Andrews is married to his bride Gala. They have 4 sons, a daughter, and one grandson. FUN Facts about Pastor Tez: What is your favorite family vacation? Anytime I can get time with my wife “alone” and some time with the my wife and kids it’s a gooooooood vacation. Universal Studios is a cool place. :) What's your favorite family recipe? BBQ Ribs! My Sauce is da boss. So tender they are falling off the bone. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Gala Andrews (no brainer) Charles Barkley Chris Tucker Habakkuk King Solomon Aside from food, water, and shelter, what one thing could you not go a day without? Jesus! What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Mussels (Pretty Gummy) Ministry Experience & Service to the Community Pastor Tez has served in ministry for over 18 years. [2017-Present] (Henderson Mill Elementary, North Atlanta) North DeKalb County School Council [2010-Present] (Oakview Elem., Flat Shoals Elem., Toney Elem., & Columbia Middle, Decatur) DeKalb County School Council Member, Guest Speaker, Intervention Mentor & Community Leader [2010-Present] North American Missions Board - I.T. Director, Systems/Solutions Development, Church Planter Mobilization Consultant [2011-Present] Connect SportsATL Basketball & Cheerleading League, Founder & President [2010-Present] Connect Church, Lead Pastor of Connect Church ATL [2011-2015] Georgia Baptist Convention, Executive Committee on Nominations [2011-2014 ] Carver College, Adjunct Faculty [2013-2015] Elite Scholars Academy Charter School, PTSA President [2007-2010] North Garland Baptist Fellowship, Garland, TX - Served as the Youth Pastor & Worship Pastor [2009-2010] Southern Bible Institute, Adjunct Faculty, Old Testament Studies [2005] Cadence Ministries, Served as a Missionary to Germany [1999-2004] Zion Grove Baptist Church (Atlanta, GA), Hopewell Missionary Baptist (Norcross, GA) and Sweetwater Church (A.K.A. Gospel Nation, corporate businesses and Apartmentlife.org ) - Served in several capacities throughout the church and communities as (Christian Educator, Evangelist, Community Chaplain, Noonday Bible Study Leader etc…) Education Dallas Theological Seminary—Masters of Theology (ThM) in Hebrew Bible for Academic Ministry Carver Bible College & Luther Rice Seminary—Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Biblical Studies Chattahoochee Technical College - Certificate in Computer Information Systems Conclusion Pastor Tez would sum his biography up into one phrase "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless (Ecclesiastes 1:1-2). He loves the Savior Jesus Christ. He’s grateful for salvation! He understands God is his everything and he is nothing without Him.

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