About Us

Confession. Community. Compassion.

Circle PCA is a church plant of the Presbyterian Church in America with a goal to reach an emerging generation with the timeless truth of the gospel. This reformed congregation serves to reach the Pace, Fl community, military families stationed at nearby Whiting Field, and the academic community of the University of West Florida. Circle is currently administrated through Reformed University Ministries of the PCA.

Contact Information

Our Services

Service Times

Meets at 4285 Woodbine Road in Pace, Florida

What to Expect

What are services like?
Church should be where you are most yourself and most at rest before God. Our services are simple, with singing, prayer, and relevant expositional preaching followed by time after for fellowship to enhance organic relationships.

What is the community like?
Multigenerational and younger families from the Pace community with a significant presence of military families stationed here for flight school.

What if I'm not a Christian?
The gospel has been likened to a pond where the veriest beginner in the faith can wade but deep enough for an elephant to swim. Circle is a place for investigating the Christian faith in a safe, loving environment and also a place to grow in a deeper understanding of the doctrines of grace. Our confessional beliefs are found in the Westminster Confession of Faith.


Clif Wilcox

Clif Wilcox

Clif is a graduate of Belhaven College and Covenant Theological Seminary.  He served as a Youth Minister for 8 1/2 years prior to attending seminary and upon graduation, he served 11 years as RUF Campus Minister at the University of Florida (1992-2003). After 6 years as an Assistant Coordinator for RUF in Atlanta (2003-2009), Clif came back to Florida to plant Circle. Clif has been married to his wife Julie, for 31 years and they have three grown children.

Location & Directions

What Members Say

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    Matthew West shared their experience Jun 2020

    Would like to speak with Cliff Wilcox, knew him and his wife in the late 70'- early 80's from Mcilwain prebs.

    Lyn Norman shared their experience Apr 2020

    I want to reconnect to Cliff and Julie Who we met when we lived in Knoxville Awesome couple
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