Carmel Presbyterian Church

About Us
Carmel Presbyterian Church is a local church in Charlotte, NC. Expect music styles such as contemporary, traditional hymns, and passionate reverent. You might also find programs like community service, children's ministry, missions, youth group, and choir. by FaithStreet
- Programs
- Community Service, Young Adults, Youth Group, Choir, Missions, Adult Education, Preschool
- Music
- Traditional Hymns, Contemporary
- Denomination
- Presbyterian (PCUSA)
- Size
- Medium
- Language
- English
- Founded
- 1962
Contact Information

Jim Szeyller
Just what is a church family? Well, we could say that we are simply a grouping of folks united in what God has done for them in Jesus Christ. We could use church language and say that we are the communion of saints - the latest in a long line of believers who call this church home. We could say that we are a particular gathering of the priesthood of all believers – each of us seeking to serve God as He has uniquely called and gifted us. Or, more personally, we could say that we are a gathering of folks who love God and each other – bound by strong ties and relationships - that define us as a family. The reality is that we are all of these things. Family – in the broadest sense, redeemed – personally and uniquely, connected to the past, present and future through our inclusion in the communion of saints, called – individually and as a group – to serve God as He calls. Carmel is all of these things. Welcome to the latest depiction of the Carmel church family. On these pages you will see unique men and women, youth and children, who represent a unique gathering of Christ’s redeemed. They are filled with passion and commitment, joy and compassion, warmth and love. They are God’s people – for Him and for one another. It is our hope that this directory will help strengthen the ties that bind us one to another. It was said of the earliest Christians that they were noteworthy in how “they loved one another.” By facilitating our ability to know and connect with each other it is our hope and prayer that this site will help us towards that central aim. To God be the glory!Location & Directions
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