Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church

About Us

Living the Gospel of God in every aspect of our life.

A small church with a large heart. Since its beginnings the congregation has sought to have an impact in the social realm by studying the principles of Christianity and applying them to all settings. We were part of the Sanctuary movement, we introduced creative worship into Sunday morning worship, we have been a More Light congregation welcoming all into full membership and leadership, we seek to live a green life in our building, we share our building in ecumenical worship and mission with two other Catholic congregations. We just installed solar panels which will provide the majority of our electricity Mark Meeks is our Spiritual Leader who guides us in living a faith that seeks justice and lives in peace with all.

Our Services

Service Times

Small community, huge spirit. Available online

What to Expect

What are services like?
We have a unique gift to offer in worship. The service is built around the theme of the day. Songs sung, choral music offered, and prayers prayed integrate into a whole experience of Biblical interpretation and application that is rational and intellectually strong.

What is the community like?

What if I'm not a Christian?
Your faith is welcome here as it is God that matters more than religious affiliation. We think of our outreach as encouraging connections with people who are seeking to explore the quetions of their hears and souls.


Mark  Meeks

Mark Meeks

Mark has served this congregation the bulk of his ministry. His training was in both the United States and Germany. He brings a rich spirituality to his ministry and challenges all to join him in the struggle and joy of living faithfully.

Location & Directions

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