Broad Street Presbyterian Church

About Us

Like most church congregations, we worship, study, pray and care for one another. Our passion is working together to try to make the world a better place. By doing tangible, concrete things that improve people’s lives, we honor God and live out what Jesus meant when he said, "feed my sheep." If that resonates with you, we hope you’ll come visit.

Our Services

Service Times

Courtyard Service
Sanctuary Service

What to Expect

What are services like?
With members living across a major metropolitan area, Sunday morning worship is the central part of congregational life. We welcome young and old, traditional and non-traditional families and children to worship. We have two worship services and they are very different from one another. The 8:45 a.m. service, held in the Courtyard, is small with 50 to 75 people. This service is intimate and less formal than the sanctuary service. All of the music is sung by those in attendance and is accompanied on the piano or by acoustic guitars. Every service includes a sermon and communion. Parents with young children particularly enjoy this service because it is short (45 minutes) and the music and liturgy are accessible to children. The 11 a.m. service (10 a.m. in the summer) is held in the sanctuary and represents traditional Presbyterian worship at its best. The setting is beautiful and grand, the choir and ministers wear robes, the organ is played with power and passion, the choir offers anthems in a variety of styles, hymns are sung. Most Sundays the children are involved in the worship service in some way. The sermons and music weave together to create meaningful experience and help those gathered draw closer to God.

What is the community like?
On any given Sunday, Broad Street is filled with an exciting and challenging mix of people. Some have been members for a long time, and offer wisdom and experience. Some, new to church or new to faith, bring energy and fresh perspective. Singles, couples and families - traditional and non-traditional - abound! We have two worship services and they are very different from one another. For more details on our worship services, check out Whatever service you attend, we won't single you out in worship, make you say anything, or be introduced. You can feel safe here.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Broad Street Presbyterian Church is an interesting place. On the one hand, we are very traditional. Our worship is on the formal side. Our theology is pretty orthodox. At the same time we are an open place. Open to new ideas. Open to lively, vibrant discussion about the Christian tradition and how to apply it here and now. Open and welcoming to all people, in all stages of their own faith journeys. This combination of tradition and openness isn’t for everyone. But for those who make Broad Street home, we find it both comforting and challenging. Many of us don’t talk easily about God. We struggle to find language that expresses what we believe and think. But we do our best to try to keep our hearts and minds focused on God. We believe in and worship the God of power and mystery and love who actively seeks to have a relationship with every one of us. We believe that God's love - reflected in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus - is the most powerful force in the world. We believe that there is nothing we have done that can separate us from God's love. We believe God offers new beginnings and second chances. We believe God takes initiative in our lives, challenging and comforting us in unexpected ways.


Amy Miracle

Amy Miracle

A life-long Presbyterian, I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, and attended Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. Following graduation, I studied in Northern Ireland where I received a Masters of Social Sciences in Irish Political Studies from Queen’s University of Belfast. Upon returning to the United States, I earned a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

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