Lutheran (AFLC)
Lutheran (AFLC) churches describe themselves with words like traditional liturgy, conservative, and friendly. There are 278 Lutheran (AFLC) churches listed on FaithStreet.
Popular church music styles include traditional hymns, praise and worship, and contemporary. Lutheran (AFLC) churches often offer adult education, children's ministry, choir, faith and work, and community service programs.
Lutheran (AFLC) churches Expand search
277 church results
Lutheran (AFLC) in Fountain Hills, AZ
- Praise and Worship, Traditional Hymns
- Down to Earth, Friendly
- Adult Education, Faith and Work
- Live Stream
Sunday Services- 09:30am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Canal Winchester, OH
- Traditional Hymns, Organ
- Traditional Liturgy, Creative
- Addiction/Recovery, Faith and Work
Sunday Services- 08:00am
- 10:15am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Millerstown, PA
- Traditional Hymns, Praise and Worship
- Traditional Liturgy, Down to Earth
- Adult Education, Children's Ministry
Sunday Services- 09:00am
- 10:00am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Elizabethville, PA
- Psalms a capella, Chanting
- Young families, Neighborhood-focused
- Adult Education, Community Service
Sunday Services- 09:00am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Spring Lake Park, MN
- Contemporary, Traditional Hymns
- Conservative, Multigenerational
Sunday Services- 09:30am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Northwood, ND
- Traditional Hymns, Praise and Worship
- Traditional Liturgy, Conservative
- Children's Ministry, Nursery
- Live Stream
Sunday Services- 09:30am
- 10:30am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Sioux Falls, SD
- Passionate Reverent, Praise and Worship
- Friendly, Conservative
Sunday Services- 09:00am
Lutheran (AFLC) in Sioux Falls, SD
- Traditional Hymns, Praise and Worship
- Neighborhood-focused, Young families
- Seniors Ministry, Youth Group
Sunday Services- 08:00am
- 09:30am
- 11:00am
Explore Lutheran (AFLC) Churches by State
- California 6
- Colorado 2
- Florida 2
- Nebraska 5
- North Dakota 41
- Pennsylvania 10
- South Dakota 26
- Washington 7
- Wisconsin 15