• Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Trinity Episcopal Church

About Us

An exciting and diverse community of faith!

The Episcopal Church strives to live by the message of Christ, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome. Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, we are a sacramental and worship-oriented church that promotes thoughtful debate about what God is calling us to do and be, as followers of Christ.

The beauty of the Episcopal tradition is that it is open to questions and new possibilities, as well as ancient teachings. Imagine a spiritual practice that is both grounded in tradition and open to new possibilities.

Our Services

Matins Sunday morning Matins is held in the Chapel. Matins are simple spoken services using the traditional Rite I order for morning prayer. The 150 Psalms are read in course every month and the scriptures of the Old and New Testament are read over a two-year cycle. Prayer is offered for ourselves and on behalf of others.
Traditional Holy Eucharist The 7:45 service provides a contemplative atmosphere for beginning the day. It is without music. This services uses Rite II liturgy and occasionally Rite I.
Holy Eucharist The 9:00 service uses a wide variety of liturgical resources. Piano and guitar support music and congregational signing. Children’s Chapel occurs during the sermon of this service. The first Sunday of each month is a bilingual English/Spanish service.
Christian Formation for All Adults gather in the narthex (the area outside the sanctuary) for conversation or in the parish hall for Sunday Forum. Godly Play, Connect and re:form curriculum provide Christian Education for children during the school year (September – May).
Choral Eucharist The 11:00 service relies on traditional organ music and liturgy. The repetition of familiar prayers and responses provides a meditative atmosphere. The Trinity choirs provide support for sung psalmody. Rite II is most often used and on occasion Rite I is used along with incense.

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