The Guiding Light Family Church

About Us

Loving, acceptable, universal, contemporary Christian church

We are a small growing church who welcomes all with open arms. One to two visits and you will definitely want to return. We are united by the blood of Jesus. We have a mixed congregation that loves to sing songs of praise comfort and joy. From the babies to the mother of the church, Mother Era Haynes, the ages range from months to 70 years. We also believe in the come as you are policy. This means that we follow the policy of the Word when it speaks of man looking at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.

Our Services

Bible School
Sunday Morning Service

What to Expect

What are services like?
The order of service begins with a song followed by a prayer. The congregation sings several songs. A few testimonials are shared from members. Responsive reading is conducted. The choir sings. The sermon is preached. Those who were moved by the sermon are given the opportunity to give their life to Christ. Tithes and offerings are received. Benediction song is sang followed by a closing prayer. Hugs and kisses are then shared amongst the members until we meet again. You will know that you have been to church after being surrounded by love and affection and hearing the uncompromising Word delivered by God through our Bishop.

What is the community like?
The church is currently located in the Eastwood portion of Fort Worth. This community is predominantly Hispanic and African-American.

What if I'm not a Christian?
You do not have to be a Christian to attend our services. It is our prayer that the Word of God will pierce the heart of anyone who attends our services and usher them into the basic fundamentals of Christianity. We are Non-Denominational to ensure that all walks of life area welcomed.

What Members Say

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