St. Augustine's in-the-Woods

About Us

Inviting, inclusive, vibrant, traditional. All are welcome.

Everyone is welcome at

St. Augustine’s-in-the-Woods

on beautiful Whidbey Island, Washington.

We are an inclusive, reconciling and greening congregation serving Whidbey Island, a 52-mile-long island in Puget Sound, 25 miles north of Seattle.

We are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, which encompasses all of western Washington, from the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean.

Our Services

Service Times

Rite II with organ & choir. Child care provided. Coffee Hour following services.
Rite I with little music using the more traditional prayers. Coffee Hour and Adult Forum classes follow this service
Solemn Evensong with incense
Holy Unction and Healing Service with Eucharist

What to Expect

What are services like?
We celebrate Rite I Eucharist at the 8am Sunday services with little music; it is a reverent service with a warm and welcoming group of parishioners. We celebrate Rite II Eucharist at 10:30am with traditional organ and choir music. We provide free child care and we have a very active teen program.

What is the community like?
We celebrate a diverse and vibrant parish community. Young and older, conservative and progressive and supportive of our LBGT parishioners. We welcome everyone and encourage all to share this very special and unique parish.

What if I'm not a Christian?
All are welcome. We all share a willingness and desire to do good in this world and to have a warm and supportive community. It's a cliché, but is a journey, not a destination.


Nigel Taber-Hamilton

Nigel Taber-Hamilton

Location & Directions

5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road
PO Box 11
Freeland, WA

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