South Heights Baptist Church of Sapulpa

About Us

Bible-believing/teaching; traditional; baptist; church; KJV.

We are a loving, traditional Baptist church that is small and growing. We are traditional, fundamental Baptists with regard to doctrine and practice. We are located in the southern portion of Sapulpa, and welcome all to be our guests and to serve God with us. We are premillenial, dispensational, and pre-trib, in our basic theology, and view the KJV as God’s infallible, inerrant, and preserved Word for English-speaking people. Our pastor preaches verse-by-verse through books of the Bible in expositional fashion, with emphasis on practical application of Bible truth. If you are looking for a place where you can grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and also where you can be an active part in serving the Lord in a local church, we invite you to be our guest at your next possible convenience!

Down to Earth, Friendly, Conservative, Historic, Multigenerational
Youth Group, Nursery, Adult Education, Children's Ministry
Traditional Hymns
Independent Baptist
Established in 1936.

Our Services

Service Times

Sunday School
Morning Church Service
Evening Church Service
Midweek Church Service

What to Expect

What are services like?
Our church services are informal, friendly, and loving. We sing traditional Christian hymns and choruses. Our pastor preaches verse-by-verse through books of the Bible in expositional fashion, with emphasis on practical application of Bible truth in every service.

What is the community like?
We are a loving, traditional Baptist church that is small and growing. We are traditional, fundamental Baptists with regard to doctrine and practice. We are located in the southern portion of Sapulpa, and welcome all to be our guests and to serve God with us. We are premillenial, dispensational, and pre-trib, in our basic theology, and view the KJV as God’s infallible, inerrant, and preserved Word for English-speaking people. If you are looking for a place where you can grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and also where you can be an active part in serving the Lord in a local church, we invite you to be our guest at your next possible convenience!

What if I'm not a Christian?
We would be honored to share the Gospel of Christ with you.


Todd W. White

Todd W. White has been the Pastor of South Heights Baptist Church in Sapulpa since January 1, 1995. Prior to coming to Sapulpa, he pastored the Friendship Baptist Church in Silsbee, Texas for two years, and served as a Minister of Music in several churches in Arkansas and Texas before that. He was licensed and ordained to the Gospel Ministry by the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, where the late Dr. W. A. Criswell was Pastor and officiated. He gave his life to full-time Christian ministry at the First Baptist Church of Springdale, Arkansas, during the pastorate of Cliff Palmer. Pastor White's emphasis in every service is the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible, stressing the practical application of Scriptural principles in the daily lives of those who attend. Currently, he is preaching/teaching through the Book of 1st Timothy on Sunday mornings, the Book Of Daniel on Sunday evenings, and the Book of Galatians on Wednesday evenings. Pastor White believes that the public services of the church should be filled with great Gospel music - with special emphasis on congregational singing, that the people should lovingly interact with one another as a spiritual family, and that the main purpose of the services is to teach the Word of God to the people, and how it applies to their daily life. He believes that biblical principles, diligently applied, will result in spiritual growth of every individual, godly homes, a strong church, and a vibrant Gospel witness in the community. He is a 1978 graduate of Jenks High School, a 1983 graduate from the University of Arkansas, and studied Pastoral Ministries at the Master's level at Criswell College in Dallas, Texas from 1988-89. He and his wife of 41 years, Shirley, have 5 children - Hannah, Nathaniel, Seth, Brenda, and Harrison.

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