Saint Paul of The Cross, Atlanta

About Us

African-American-Hispanic Community

In our diversity, we seek to know, love and serve God by continuing the mission of Jesus Christ. As a people of faith, we strive to act as true disciples of Christ, proclaiming the Good News wherever we are. We look for ways to welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice and love one another.

Led by the Holy Spirit, and with praise and thanksgiving, we seek always to glorify God and to do God's will.

Contact Information

Our Services

Service Times

Liturgically traditional, peaceful
English - vibrant with singing led by the "Miracle Choir."

What to Expect

What are services like?
Vibrant and alive, devout and joyful.

What is the community like?
Culturally mixed and outgoing

What if I'm not a Christian?
You are most welcome!


Rev.Jerome McKenna, C.P. Pastor

Member of the international religious community known as the Congregation of the Passion. Fifty-five years ordained. Completing four years in current ministry with 28 years spent previously in parish ministry in West Virginia.

Location & Directions

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