About Us

We're all about food, fellowship and fun!

St. Bartholomew’s is a growing Episcopal Church that respects, honors, and accommodates all people. Laity and clergy grow spiritually by reaching out to others, extending community, worshiping, and celebrating life in Christ together.

Contact Information

Our Services

Service Times

Rite One Eucharist (Holy Communion in traditional language from the Book of Common Prayer). This is a spoken service with a sermon and some music and hymns.
Rite Two Eucharist (Holy Communion in modern language from the Book of Common Prayer). This service has a sermon, an organ prelude and postlude, hymns and a choral anthem.

What to Expect

What are services like?
We have two services every Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. The 8 a.m. service is Rite I with two hymns. The service tends to be shorter and there are wafers at communion. The 10 a.m. service is Rite II, has a lot more music led by our adult choir, handbell choir and instrumental group. The service is about an hour and fifteen minutes and uses real bread at communion.

What is the community like?
We are a very friendly place. Visitors at coffee hour often comment on the number of people who come up to talk with an unfamiliar face. We are a very active church with a variety of interest groups that meet together and live out the call to be God's people in the world in a variety of ways.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Come and check us out. We have liturgy with roots that go back almost two thousand years but also keep the current experience of the world in mind. The wonderful thing about Episcopalians is that you can probably find at least one person who agrees with you on most things, and five who are happy to debate you about others.


Jeff Littlefield

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