About Us

Biblical Truth and the Historic Christian Faith with a Contemporary Sound

We are an evangelical church committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the authority of God's word, the Bible. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone. We're part of the PCA (the Presbyterian Church in America). If you're non-denominational you will still feel right at home here.

Worship is at 11.

Our Services

Service Times


What to Expect

What are services like?
Biblical preaching from Pastor Phillip Dennis, worshipful singing and prayer, hospitality and loving kindness, growth in God’s grace. This is what you can expect to see and experience at New Hope Christian Church, a historic church in Rockland County, NY.

What is the community like?
Down to earth, friendly, diverse.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Come to learn about God, to begin to learn how to worship your creator, to find out what the meaning and purpose of your life is, to grow spiritually, to be born again and have eternal life.

Location & Directions

What Members Say

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    Robert shared their experience Aug 2022

    Does anybody know how to get in touch with anybody from the church. I had spoken to someone named Glen does anybody have his number. My contact number is 845-357-8027 thanks

    Richard N shared their experience Jan 2022

    Jesus in Monsey. Friendly people
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