About Us

Growing Deeper and Reaching Farther for the Glory of God

New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, IL is a thriving family of Christ followers from a variety of communities, walks of life, and seasons of faith. Growing deeper in love and relationship with Jesus is possible through solid, courageous biblical teaching. Reaching farther into local communities and throughout the world with love is a priority. Programs for all ages are available.

Our Services

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What to Expect

What are services like?
Everyone is made to feel welcome but nobody is singled out in the service. Learn more at https://myncbc.org/im-new/ and plan your visit today!

What is the community like?
New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, IL is a thriving family of Christ followers from a variety of communities, walks of life, and seasons of faith. People who are just beginning to explore the Bible as well as people who have been studying the Bible their entire lives worship and learn together. None are perfect so we desire to encourage and build each other up in Jesus.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Whether you are a lifelong follower of Jesus who is looking for a place to worship and serve or someone taking first steps of faith – or somewhere in-between – YOU ARE WELCOME!


Kevin Sauder

Kevin Sauder
Senior Pastor

Kevin has served at New Castle since 2015. His training includes an accounting degree from the University of Illinois and a Masters of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA. Before joining our New Castle family, Kevin enjoyed serving Bethany Baptist Church in Peoria as their Associate Pastor of Christian Education for over 5 years. Kevin has been married to his wife Jody since 2004, and they have two children: Abby and Andrew.

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