Little Valley Wesleyan Church

About Us

Contemporary Christian church

Small rural church that is family oriented, consisting mostly of middle-aged adults and their children. Average attendance currently runs around 50 on Sunday morning, but is slowly growing.

Contact Information

Not available

Our Services

Service Times


What to Expect

What are services like?
About an hour and fifteen minutes long. Opening prayer, worship music, offertory, children's moment, scripture reading, 25 minute sermon, closing hymn, communion once a month.

What is the community like?
Blue-collar and laid back.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Great! Come anyway.


Buck Hall

Second career pastor who left a lucrative career in the building trades and real estate to answer God's calling at age 30. Now, at age 40, he's an ordained pastor leading a growing congregation.

What Members Say

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    Sara shared their experience Jul 2015

    A welcoming place who loves children. Welcomes all and develops interpersonal relationships.
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