Little 5 Community Church

About Us

Little 5 Community Church meets in the heart of Little Five Points at the Seven Stages Theater on Euclid Avenue in Atlanta.

Contact Information

Our Services

Service Times


What to Expect

What are services like?
Our services feature musical performances from local artists, true life stories of failure, redemption, hope and despair and topical conversations that everyone is invited to participate in.

What is the community like?
We welcome EVERYONE, regardless of where you're from or what you're going through. Our church is a safe place to belong, an authentic place to grow spiritually and an outreach-minded place to help you serve others. Whether you are a follower of Christ, not sure what you believe or hurt from previous church experiences, you'll feel at home at L5CC.

What if I'm not a Christian?
We welcome EVERYONE, regardless of where you're from or what you're going through. Our church is a safe place to belong, an authentic place to grow spiritually and an outreach-minded place to help you serve others. Whether you are a follower of Christ, not sure what you believe or hurt from previous church experiences, you'll feel at home at L5CC.


Jason Becker

Location & Directions

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