Light of Hope Church

About Us

Love, Equip, Serve

Our mission is to love, equip and serve. We understand that everyone needs hope and acceptance, that's why the church exists and why YOU belong.

Whether through worship, serving, or the message, we want to know God better. When believers gather in one place, with one heart and one vision, something special happens. Lives are changed. Hope is restored. Faith grows and relationships are forged that stand the test of time.

We believe God’s grace is available to all no matter where you are in life and we want you to feel welcomed here. We offer a warm family environment and desire to be relevant to the this generation. We are a people who care and rally for the hurting and know life is better done together. We look forward to connecting with you and getting to know you better.

Eric Dawes

Our Services

Gathering time
Mid Week Bible Study

What to Expect

What are services like?
We welcome everyone to experience Christ in an environment of worship. No requirements or rituals just a place where you can experience Christ in freedom.

What is the community like?
Diverse, easy to connect with and very accepting.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Our gatherings are for everyone and we exist to connect people with Jesus Christ whether they are currently a believer or a seasoned Christian.

What Members Say

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Go here? Tell us why you love Light of Hope Church. Visited? Tell us what a newcomer can expect.