Liberty Church Brooklyn
Staff & Leaders

  • Justin & Kristen Tarsiuk

    Justin & Kristen Tarsiuk
    Brooklyn Community Pastors

    Justin and Kristen Tarsiuk have a passion for building people and the local church. They have been involved in church leadership for over 15 years and have held a variety of roles and positions over that time. They desire to see Brooklyn flourish as the "City of Churches" and currently reside in Brooklyn with their spunky 2-year old.

  • Paul & Andi Andrew

    Paul & Andi Andrew

    Pastor Paul Andrew – Lead Pastor Paul was born and raised in Sydney, Australia and gave his life to Jesus at age 16. Since then his passion has been the local church. More than two decades of full-time ministry have spanned church, government and community-based organizations. In 2008, Paul launched his own business called The Leadership Coach, and in his spare time he continues to work around the world in the corporate sector as a professional speaker and management consultant. Today as Lead Pastor of Liberty Church with Andi he also serves as a coach for the Association of Related Churches, helping others launch new churches especially in urban centers and the northeast. Pastor Andi Andrew – Lead Pastor Andi grew up in Spokane, Washington and met Paul in Bible college in Australia. She truly is an outstanding and sought-after preacher and carries the leadership of Liberty Church together with Paul. Andi’s years of ministry have shaped her with a passion to see people experience real freedom and it’s little wonder her leadership and ministry have such a lasting impact. As well as building the church, she’s blessed with four incredible kids…three boys and a little princess. They’re not the normal New York family but they’re convinced normal is over-rated anyway.