About Us

Serving the Nation's Capital Since 1780

Inspired by the Reformed tradition, our church lives at the intersection of centuries of tradition and energetic, current engagement with our city and the world. We gather, young and old, across the political spectrum, and from throughout the DC Metro area, in the hope of worshiping God together and being a community of faith and witness.

We intend for our community to be one of generous hospitality, transformative mission, rigorous Christian education, and robust faith and worship. We are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which means our community is part of a larger regional church body, and a national governing body. Every member has a voice in church matters. Whether a long-time Presbyterian or a newcomer to faith, please come and join us.

Our Services

Service Times


What to Expect

What are services like?
Services are one hour long, with several hymns interspersed throughout. The order of worship is the same every week, with a prayer of confession, time with children, scripture readings, a sermon, recitation of a creed, an offering, the Lord's prayer, and a benediction. The service is formal in style, with brief periods where the congregation is asked to rise. Children are dismissed for Sunday school after the time with children, but they may remain with their parents in the service, if desired. After service, a reception or lunch is always held in the Georgetown Room, adjacent to the Narthex, and everyone is welcome. We serve Communion the first Sunday of every month. Elders and Deacons help pass the elements. The music ministry at Georgetown Presbyterian Church is guided by a philosophy of sacred music as worship, rather than as performance. Our service music is selected to enhance the focus of each worship service. The adult choir is composed of volunteers supported by a core of professional musicians. The choir sings every Sunday except for July and August, and presents major musical works during the Church Year.

What is the community like?
We are an intergenerational community that believes education is central to our faith journeys. We believe that our faith in Christ is a gift from God, and that God has given us the ability and the desire to understand that faith. That is not to say that our understanding is optional. Rather, the gift of faith gives us the freedom and the responsibility to participate in thoughtful engagement with our church and our world. Therefore, the mission of Christian Education at GPC is to provide a basis for understanding Scripture and the reformed faith, as well as opportunities to look critically at that faith and at the world we live in.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Our church is open to everyone, irregardless of faith or background. Our worship style is traditional (hymns and a printed liturgy) and visitors with no faith background have told us that it "feels like a church should feel" and that it "is easy to follow."


Rev. Camille Cook Murray

Rev. Camille Cook Murray
Head Pastor

Camille Cook Murray has served as the senior pastor of Georgetown Presbyterian Church since 2010. Her academic background consists of a BA from Vanderbilt University with a dual major: Religious Studies with Honors, and Psychology; Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary; and a Masters of Theology in Applied Theology from Oxford University. After graduating from Princeton Camille received the Parish Pulpit Fellowship taking her to the United Kingdom for studies and ministry. Camille previously served congregations in Oxford, London, Johannesburg, and New York City. Camille serves on the board of directors of the Reformed Institute and as a trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary. Camille lives in Georgetown with her husband Roddy and their daughter Maisie.

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