First Lutheran Church in Savage, MT and Grace Lutheran Church of Skaar, ND

About Us

Saved by grace through faith!

Mission Statement: We are people of faith believing in the presence of God in Word and Sacrament, striving to support one another in the living of our Christian faith that all may know God's love and Grace.

We are a group of hard-working believers in faith and the grace of God. We believe strongly in the community and work to support a variety of groups including youth groups and the local Savage Sunrise Manor.

FLC in Savage is yoked to Grace Lutheran Church of Skaar, ND. Services at Grace are on the 2nd (potluck meal following church) and 4th Sunday of each month at 11:30 AM with most services at the Squaw Gap Community Hall. Weather permitting, we meet at the church site out on a beautiful prairie.

Valuable information for parents can be found at

Traditional Liturgy
Youth Group, Adult Education, Children's Ministry
Traditional Hymns
Lutheran (ELCA)

Our Services

Service Times

Services at First Lutheran Church every Sunday (also streamed on Facebook live)
Services at Grace Lutheran on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month

What to Expect

What are services like?
We use the older Lutheran Book of Worship with occasional songs from the With One Voice hymnal. Services are somewhat casual as we are all sinners just trying to do the right thing.

What is the community like?
The community is made up of a great group of hard-working people who would best be described as the 'salt-of-the-earth'.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Everyone is welcome at First Lutheran Church and Grace Lutheran Church! Pastor Tim is available and happy to meet with anyone of any denomination.


Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Tharp

Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Tharp

Born & raised in Sidney, Tim had a rich career in education having been a teacher, bus driver, referee, coach, AD, principal, and superintendent for 25 years. Tim retired as the Deputy State Superintendent of Schools in May of 2018 to return home to Richland County to be the pastor at First Lutheran Church in Savage and Grace Lutheran Church in Skaar, ND. Prior to this, he was licensed as a Lay Pastoral Associate (LPA) and had been filling in as 'pulpit supply' for about fifteen years. Tim was ordained in the spring of 2021 after attending Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Location & Directions

What Members Say

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    Daryl and Sheri Braun shared their experience Dec 2020

    This is the church I grew up with and had been a member for years before moving away following a carrier path. My parents both remained members until their passings.

    Tim shared their experience Jun 2019

    The people! Everyone has been so welcoming and friendly in my time here. It's a good thing that I love this church since I'm the minister! :-)
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