The Fellowship of The Lamb
Staff & Leaders

  • Eldership Team

    Biblical elders share church leadership as a team of co-equal servants. Elders (the word most used for church leaders) are also called overseers (or bishops) and shepherds (or pastors) in the New Testament (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Pet. 5:1-2; Eph. 4:11 is the only place in the NT where the noun form "pastors" or "shepherds" is used, and it is joined to the word "teachers"). Elders lead and serve like fathers and grandfathers in a family. They mentor and equip the saints to follow their example (1 Cor. 4:16; 11:1; Phil. 3:17; 1 Thess. 1:6) and join them in active service as fruitful members in the church and holy lights in a dark and evil world (Matt. 5:14; Eph. 4:12; 2 Tim. 2:2; 1 Pet. 2:9). They engage the saints to learn and grow through significant and meaningful participation when the church is gathered (1 Cor. 14:26), rather than sideline the body of Christ to be a predominately passive audience for their sermons. As one pastor-teacher put it, elders should be overseers, not over-doers (1 Pet. 5:2-3).