Edwards United Church of Christ

About Us

A Place of Spirit and Welcome

Edwards Church is a vibrant United Church of Christ located in the Saxonville part of Framingham. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation. Worship is lively, creative, and informal. We love music and have a great choir. We have a deep commitment to interfaith engagement, making our faith relevant for everyday life, and reaching out to care for the wider community and world. Most of all, we are a place of deep caring, friendship, and welcome.

Our Services

What to Expect

What are services like?
Services are fairly informal, relaxed, lively, with a mix of traditional music and some more recent hymns. Sermons are engaging and seek to help us make our faith relevant to our daily lives.

What is the community like?
We are a very warm, friendly congregation. All ages are represented, with a small but very dynamic Sunday School and Youth Group. Church members tend to be active in the life of the church beyond Sunday mornings. We have started, and host, a Multifaith Center called "Open Spirit: A Place of Hope, Health & Harmony."

What if I'm not a Christian?
Our service is deeply rooted in the Christian faith, and also deeply respectful of other faith traditions. You will feel welcome, and we hope you will find meaning and hope in our service. You will know you are honored for who you are and what you believe.

What Members Say

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