Big Stone Gap Presbyterian Church

About Us

Presbyterian, Reformed, Christian, Mission-Oriented, Community Focused

We are, "A Christian family of faith seeking to serve our Savior Jesus Christ with energy, intelligence, and love."

Our Services

Service Times

Traditional Worship

What to Expect

What are services like?
Our Sunday morning worship service is a traditional reformed and ordered service that joyfully ascribes all praise, honor, glory and power to the triune God. Prayer is at the heart of our worship and the service is centered and built on the reading, hearing, and proclamation of God's Word. Our pastor normally follows the Revised Common Lectionary for scripture selection and sermon preparation. We are also a musical congregation that loves to sing and we are currently using the PC USA's Glory to God hymnal. Many of our members are talented musicians who share their gifts of music and song during worship as well. We offer special worship services during the seasons of Advent and Lent that include an Ash Wednesday service, a Lenten Tenebrae service, Easter and Christmas cantatas, as well as a Christmas Eve candlelight service. We invite all those who feel God tugging at their hearts to come and visit with us, to taste and see that God is good and loves them right where they are ... and so do we.

What is the community like?
Big Stone Gap Presbyterian is nestled in the heart of Big Stone Gap, Virginia which is surrounded by the majestic Appalachian mountains of Southwest Virginia. This is small town America and we are a small church that loves our town and community. If you're looking for a place where you'll not be lost in the crowd - then we are the congregation for you. We love getting together with each other, especially for meals and fellowship.

What if I'm not a Christian?
You may not be a Christian but we believe, as Scripture informs and teaches, that all people are created in God's image. This being so then we are all God's children and all are welcomed into our house, hearts, and worship. If you've been wounded or hurt by 'religion,' have become disenchanted with the church, or are just simply interested in exploring your life, your doubts, or your spiritual nature we invite you to join us. We invite you, at whatever point you may be, to come and explore your relationship with God. You are welcome here and we look forward to learning from you.


Harry Meador
Elder class of 2023

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What Members Say

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    Cathy shared their experience Nov 2012

    My family moved to BSG in 2005. We attended several different churches in the area searching for a church home. We chose BSG Presbyterian--even though we had never been Presbyterian--due to its friendliness. The congregation made us feel at home immediately. Even though the congregation is small at present--the church is very active in missions. For example, one Sat every month "Community Lunch" is prepared and delivered to people in the area who can benefit from this service. The church is also active in the area Food Bank. On the world mission front--BSG Presbyterian is a drop off station for "Operation Christmas Child" which delivers shoe boxes of Christmas Cheer and Christian love to poor children in many different countries throughout the world. I recommend BSG Presbyterian Church to anyone seeking a loving Christian atmosphere. Cathy Galyean
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