About Us

Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

We'd like to invite you to join us for our Sunday service and experience the love of God through contemporary worship and dynamic preaching. We hope you'll come back to stay and be a part of our family.


At Believers Chapel North, our desire is to make you feel welcomed and included in what we're doing. We believe that we are saved by the grace of God and therefore have no reason to judge or exclude anyone from entering our place of worship. We understand that no one is perfect and won't expect you to be either! Our desire is to help you connect and grow into the image of Jesus Christ.

Our Services

Service Times

You are invited to join us for prayer at 9:45am. Worship begins at 10am.


Bryan Kenville

Bryan Kenville

We welcome our new pastors, Bryan Kenville and his wife Michelle!

Location & Directions

What Members Say

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    Florence shared their experience Apr 2022

    I love the fact that it is a Bible taught church and always tells the truth about God. Everyone there has been so good to myself and my Down Syndrome son. I give praise to God for the blessing to be able to attend. May God Bless your every step. Rev. Flo

    Ron B shared their experience Oct 2020

    Stopped in for a visit; excellent message! Touched on several subjects, all of them in a passionate message in the SPIRIT of GOD that def resonated. Amen, brother, preach it! We need to hear it!

    Jim Bleskoski shared their experience May 2019

    As a father of young children it was nice to find a place where I believe my kids and myself can grow as Christians. The churches members are very self reflective and not judgemental. Even through this, they are able to maintain traditional Christian values. This has been the best surprise in our families move to the Mexico area.

    Elroy Novak shared their experience Mar 2019

    I have never been more " Spirit filled " alive in Jesus Christ then I have been since l came to BCN about a year ago. I found I only need Jesus.

    Paul shared their experience Dec 2012

    What We Aspire To: God's Presence! Leadership That is Yielded to the Lord Prayer Intercession... Embraces the Prophetic... Awesome Worship... Spiritual Growth... Awesome Worship... Word Driven... A Giving Church... Family Oriented... Opens Doors of Divine Opportunity... Expects the Miraculous
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