About Us

People Helping People Find and FollowJesus

We are a community of believers committed to experiencing God’s reality, engaging our community, and seeking practical ways to express His love. We realize that each investment made in our community is vital to it’s spiritual and relational health. Come experience God with us, and live the experience!

Our Services

Service Times

Royal Rangers and Girls Ministry
Morning Worship
Sunday School

What to Expect

What are services like?
Praise and worship is a combination of traditional and contemporary. Charismatic and prayer emphasis during service, Pastor provides timely and scriptural sermons. Expect a warm welcome.

What is the community like?
Blend of all ages where everyone can feel at home.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Individuals seeking a personal relationship with God are always welcome. Small group Sunday School classes are provided to answer questions on faith and assist is developing each other in growing.


Brian Burton

Location & Directions

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