Admiral Congregational United Church of Christ

About Us

A place for all people to experience the unconditional love of God.

We are an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We believe all people are created and loved by God, and we respect each person's theology and faith journey. You are invited to be a part of our community to whatever extent you feel comfortable: come worship with us, be a part of bible study or youth group, share in one of our outreach and justice ministries, or just be a part of things.

Contact Information

Our Services

Service Times

All are welcome! Nursery care provided.

What to Expect

What are services like?
Worship is lively and informal. The physical setting is often enhanced with visuals to stimulate our spirituality. The sermons are engaging, fun, and challenging. Music is always a joy. People come away form worship here feeling "spiritually fed" as one member put it.

What is the community like?
We are a small, loving, informal community. Our music program is varied - from modern children's choruses and contemporary hymns to classics from a variety of cultures. Our musician, Keith Terhune, is an amazingly accomplished pianist and organist, and presents a wide range of music each Sunday. Our education programs are informal and welcoming, encouraging people of all ages to explore their own faith journeys. We share in worship and refreshments each Sunday, and are always eager to make new friends feel welcome.

What if I'm not a Christian?
You are welcome here. None of us will pressure you (really) to think like any of the rest of us. We will share our Christian faith, which for us means loving and welcoming everyone with no conditions and no hesitation. Come and check us out!


Donald Schmidt

Donald Schmidt

Donald comes originally from Canada, via Quebec, Vermont, and Hawaii. He has written several books, and served for many years as an editor of "The Whole People of God" and "Seasons of the Spirit" curriculums. He and his husband Don are glad to be in the Pacific Northwest so they can be closer to their grandchildren. Donald invites anyone and everyone to check out Admiral Church - an informal and welcoming place for all people. We are proud to be an Open and Affirming church.

Location & Directions

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