Churches near Spring City, TN
Spring City churches describe themselves with words like casual and multigenerational.
Popular church music styles include traditional hymns, gospel choir, and praise and worship. Churches in Spring City often offer choir and nursery programs.
Some churches that you may want to check out include:
0.5 miles away>
0.6 miles away>
1.1 miles away>
1.1 miles away>
1.1 miles away>
1.3 miles away>Baptist (SBC) in Spring City, TN
- Casual, Multigenerational
- Nursery, Choir
- Praise and Worship, Gospel Choir
Sunday Services- 10:00am
- 11:00am
- 06:00pm
1.9 miles away>
1.9 miles away>
1.9 miles away>
1.9 miles away>
- All
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 7
- Assemblies of God 4
- Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ 1
- Baptist 1
- Baptist (CBF) 1
- Baptist (SBC) 188
- Catholic 4
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 2
- Church of Christ 2
- Church of God (Anderson, IN) 1
- Church of God (Cleveland, TN) 27
- Church of God (Mountain Assembly) 2
- Church of God of Prophecy 10
- Church of the Nazarene 6
- Congregational Holiness Church 1
- Episcopal 5
- Foursquare 3
- Free Will Baptists (NAFWB) 6
- General Association of Regular Baptist Churches 2
- Independent Baptist 12
- Lutheran (ELCA) 1
- Lutheran (LCMS) 4
- Lutheran (WELS) 1
- Methodist (UMC) 79
- Nondenominational 20
- Pentecostal 1
- Pentecostal Church of God 1
- Pentecostal (UPCI) 5
- Presbyterian 1
- Presbyterian (CPC) 3
- Seventh-day Adventist 12
- United Church of Christ 3
- Vineyard 1
- Wesleyan 2