• Katherine Blaisdell
    Associate Minister for Youth and Families

    Katherine has been a ministry leader in multiple settings, where she has led service-learning trips, Bible studies for youth and adults, community service opportunities, and worship in formal and informal settings. As Katherine notes, she is “equally at home in the pulpit, around the campfire, and in the stewardship committee meeting.” As Acting Associate Minister for Youth and Families, and working with Sally Tomasetti, Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Katherine is responsible for providing leadership for all ages of youth and children’s ministries, with a focus on youth ministry. She also joins WHCC’s other clergy members as a pastoral leader within the congregation and the community.

  • Matt Wooster
    Senior Minister

    Matt’s vision of his ministry at the Hills Church includes a commitment to helping the congregation discover a shared passion for authentic worship, which centers the congregation and inspires the entire Hills Church family to be a community that is engaged in mission outreach and committed to lifelong spiritual growth. In Matt’s own words, “The church is strongest when we honor the best of our tradition while also bringing forth the new gifts that God’s Spirit continues to provide. I am a person who deeply values heritage, but not because I believe it contains all the answers. Rather, I believe that our history teaches us how to courageously write the next chapter.”