• Barry Lee Weddle

    Barry Lee Weddle

    Dr. Barry & Pastor Nancy Weddle provide spiritual guidance to a growing congregation of people of every race, age, and background. Dr. Barry began his preaching ministry at the age of fourteen, traveling extensively singing and preaching to large audiences as a youth evangelist and recording artist. Today he uses the experience of the past three decades to create his unique and powerful delivery of the “WORD.” Those who sit under his ministry will hear and receive great wisdom, divine intellect, an intense anointing, and the power to change. Whether "churched" or "unchurched," his message reaches people right where they need it most with practical down-to-earth answers to the everyday challenges of life. He presents provocative, challenging, and life-changing messages to encourage, inspire, and motivate his listeners to keep marching toward their destiny. Although Dr. Barry has come from a classical Pentecostal background, he has managed to transcend denominational barriers and appeal to a broader audience, ministering to people of all denominations.