Inner Circle Ministries
Staff & Leaders

  • Bill & Susan Means

    Bill & Susan Means

    Bill and Susan founded Inner Circle Ministries a 501c3 nonprofit organization an Apostolic/Prophetic ministry located in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Bill’s heart is in Fathering and raising up Spiritual Sons and Daughters and sending them forth demonstrating the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Overseas missions is also a major part of the vision of ICM. Bill has been used mightily by the Lord in both teaching and working of miracles. This includes, the opening of blind eyes and deaf ears, mute speaking, people healed and coming out of wheel chairs, blood diseases healed, blockages in the heart totally cleared, legs growing out, scoliosis of the spine healed, a creative miracle of flesh manifested on a woman’s heel where there was no flesh, many devils cast out bringing deliverance to many, etc. Susan’s part in the Body of Christ, she feels a strong responsibility in delivering the Word of God that will stir and challenge others in reaching their highest potential in Christ as they soar to New Heights in their relationship with the Holy Spirit. She carries a strong conviction of Holiness and Right Living. She believes that if a person will uphold the Word of God with conviction mixed with the Fear of the Lord and not compromise in any area of their life that they can accomplish Great Things for Him