• Meg Pyron

    Meg Pyron
    Administrative Assistant

    Called to this position in 1994, everyday working with the family of God is filled with unimaginable blessings and rewards.

  • Pastor Thomas N. Willcox

    Pastor Thomas N. Willcox

    "My mission is to help bring people into passionate alignment with God and with each other." I am one of those folks who knows the day and hour when Christ came into his life; it was May 18, 1974 right about 11:30 p.m. Although I grew up in a loving healthy family with many Godly values, we did not really know Christ. After being the beneficiary (or target) of six months of friendship evangelism as a junior in High School, I finally surrendered to God's irresistible love and prayed, inviting the Lord to come into my heart and to be the Lord of my life. He did and He is!