Element Church
Staff & Leaders

  • Rich Jones

    Rich Jones

    Rich and Jodi Jones serve as the lead pastors of Element Church. They and their daughters, JoLyn & Jackilyn love having the opportunity to serve the community of Millvale and look forward to every week when they get to be a part of what's happening at Element Church. To learn more about them, check out some of their answers listed below: Rich Jones Birth date: July 6, 1970 Wedding anniversary: I've been married to the love of my life since June 6, 1992. Education/Major/Grad Year: I graduated from Valley Forge Christian College in 1992, where I was a pastoral ministries major. However, I spent 20 years serving as a youth pastor. Whatever the age of the people I serve, I just love getting to share the good news of God's love with people! Hobbies: I love my family, watching sports (especially my Philly teams - don't hate me, please!), playing softball, and nothing beats hanging with friends. Ministry Passions: There is nothing that makes me more pumped about life than watching people come awake to the fact that God loves them, Jesus died and rose again for their sins to be fogiven, and to see them live a transformed life because of it. What's playing on your iPod?: Hillsong United, U2, Anberlin, Coldplay, David Crowder Band, 30 Seconds to Mars, Mae, Sanctus Real. I also listen to a bunch of podcasts: Relevant Podcast, Andy Stanley, Craig Groeschel, Mark Batterson, & Erwin McManus. Favorite books: Bible, "Barbarian Way" by Erwin McManus, "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson, "A Tale of Three Kings" by Gene Edwards. Favorite movies: Back To The Future, The Rocky Series (yes, even the 5th & 6th ones!), Field of Dreams, Invincible, the Star Wars series, Nacho Libre, Napoleon Dynamite, The Natural, Gladiator. Favorite TV Shows: Lost, SportsCenter, Psych, Burn Notice. Something strange we should know about you: Wow...dangerous question. How about that I always do things in a series of fours, and that I like even numbers. However, I also like the number 5...that's the only odd number I like. The rest are dead to me. Jodi Jones Birth date: September 18, 1969 Wedding anniversary: I've been married to the love of my life since June 6, 1992. Education/Major/Grad Year: I graduated from Valley Forge Christian College in 1992 with a bachelors degree in elementary education. Hobbies: I love hanging with family and friends, & Starbucks coffee. Put that together, and oh man... Ministry Passions: Helping hurting women and teens. What's playing on your iPod?: Ha! I don't have one...Jacki stole it. Favorite books: Bible. Favorite movies: Grease, Legally Blonde, Meet Joe Black Favorite TV Shows: Flashpoint, NCIS, CSI, Numbers, Survivor, Apprentice,